For over forty years, our physicians have served New Mexicans by caring for their bone and joint health.

This blog will detail department activities and explore issues in orthopaedics and orthopaedic education.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Blog From the Chair

blog (a contraction of the words web log)[1] is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first).

For my first blog as UNM’s chair, I thought it would be best for everyone (especially me!) to define the concept of a blog or web log.  We at UNM Ortho have so much to be proud of, including the fine group of faculty, residents, and staff who make our department so special.  But most recently, what struck me was a comment made by Urvij (known as “UV,” Ortho Trauma fellow ’12-’13), this past Wednesday, when he stopped by to say goodbye after his year with us at UNM.  Like Urvij’s personality, he had very kind words for UNM and what we stand for.  But what really struck me was one word he used about UNM Ortho, prefaced with the comment that it was something he has not experienced, especially to the level he saw in our program.  He commented that UNM Ortho has such great harmony.  His observation was that of the relationship between residents and faculty being close but with tremendous mutual respect and that we worked in harmony for the patient’s good, making our workplace tremendously positive and in his opinion (and mine) different from any other program he has seen.  I saw it later that evening at the resident’s teaching/lab conference on ACL and meniscal surgery.  The attendance was phenomenal and residents stayed late, learned, laughed, and I was even teased about my very cool 'pac man' socks (I explained I am the demographic for Target).  Twenty four hours later (last night), I stopped by Dale Hoekstra’s pediatric team/social get together he has organized for years after work with Selina Silva and daughter, Sophia, Antony Kallur, Reilly Kuehn, Mischa Hopson, and Heather Woodin (after first going to the emergency room).   So my first blog only states what may not be obvious to others but something which we enjoy daily and that is our harmony at UNM Ortho and that it is fun coming to work everyday (even weekends) in Orthopaedics.

Bob Schenck
UNM Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation

1.  Blood, Rebecca.  (September 7, 2000).  Weblogs:  A History and Perspective.

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